Column Settings

Configure the report structure, filters and sorting

On the Column settings page you can add/ remove/ change the order of the columns you are interested in as well as change naming, apply filters, and sorting to the data.

Once the tab is opened a standard set of columns is displayed

For the user's convenience, the data is split into the following sections:

Customer Info:
  • Channel Buyer Name

  • Shipping Address Email

  • Shipping Address First Line

  • Shipping Address Second Line

  • Shipping Address Third Line

  • Shipping Address Town

  • Shipping Address Region

  • Shipping Address Post Code

  • Shipping Address Country

  • Shipping Address Continent

  • Shipping Address Full Name

  • Shipping Address Company

  • Shipping Address Phone Number

  • Billing Address Email

  • Billing Address First Line

  • Billing Address Second Line

  • Billing Address Third Line

  • Billing Address Town

  • Billing Address Region

  • Billing Address Post Code

  • Billing Address Country

  • Billing Address Continent

  • Billing Address Full Name

  • Billing Address Company

  • Billing Address Phone Number

General Order Info:
  • Order Number

  • Reference Number

  • Secondary Reference

  • External Reference Number

  • Received Date

  • Source

  • SubSource

  • Folder Names

  • Order Status

  • Label Printed

  • Label Error

  • Invoice Printed

  • Pick List Printed

  • Is Rule Run

  • Notes Quantity

  • Is Part Shipped

  • Is Parked

  • HoldOrCancel

  • SiteCode

  • Items Quantity

  • Stock Allocation Type

  • Fulfillment State

  • Purchase Order State

  • Any existing order identifier could be added as a column

  • Any existing order extended property could be added as a column

Item Info:
  • Item Number On Channel

  • Item SKU

  • Item Source

  • Item Title

  • Item Quantity

  • Item Category

  • Is Stock Level Specified

  • Level Due In Purchase Orders

  • Purchase Order External Invoice Number

  • Purchase Order Date Of Delivery

  • Purchase Order Quoted Delivery Date

  • Purchase Order Supplier Name

  • Quantity In Open Orders

  • Current Stock Level

  • Minimum Stock Level

  • Available Stock Level

  • Price Per Unit

  • Unit Cost

  • Despatch Stock Unit Cost

  • Discount Percentage

  • Item Tax

  • Item Tax Rate

  • Total Item Cost Excluding Tax

  • Total Item Cost Including Tax

  • Is Service

  • Sales Tax

  • Is Tax Is Included In A Cost

  • Is Part Shipped

  • Item Weight

  • Product Barcode

  • Market

  • Channel SKU

  • Item Title On Channel

  • Discount Value

  • Has Image

  • Main Image Link

  • Stock Level Indicator

  • Shipping Cost

  • Part Shipped Quantity

  • Item Name

  • Is Batch Number Scan Required

  • Is Serial Number Scan Required

  • Item BinRack

  • Is Batched Stock Item

  • Is Warehouse Managed

  • Is Unlinked

  • Stock Item Id

  • Any existing item additional info could be added as a column

  • Any existing stock item extended property could be added as a column

Shipping info:
  • Label Printed

  • Label Error

  • Invoice Printed

  • Pick List Printed

  • Despatch By Date

  • Delivery Scheduled From

  • Delivery Scheduled To

  • Has Scheduled Delivery

  • Shipping Vendor

  • Postal Service Name

  • Total Weight

  • Package Category

  • Package Type

  • Postage Cost

  • Postage Cost Excluding Tax

  • Tracking Number

  • Was Manually Adjusted

  • Subtotal

  • Order Tax

  • Total Charge

  • Payment Method

  • Profit Margin

  • Total Discount

  • Currency

  • Country Tax Rate

  • Conversion Rate

  • Tax Number

Refund info:
  • Refund Creation Date

  • Refund Header Id

  • Entire Refund External Reference

  • Refund Currency

  • Entire Refund Amount

  • Refund Status

  • Entire Refund Actioned

  • Refund Last Action Date

  • Is Shipping Refund Line

  • Is Cancellation

  • Line Cancelled Quantity

  • Line Refund Error

  • Refund Line Quantity

  • Item Refund Reason

  • Service Refund Reason

and others

Return info:
  • RMA Header Id

  • RMA Created Date

  • Return Reason

  • Return Reason Tag

  • Must Have Refund

  • RMA Actioned

  • RMA Line Return Quantity

  • RMA Line Scrap Quantity

  • RMA Line Reason Category

  • RMA Line Resend Quantity

  • RMA Line Exchange Quantity

  • RMA Status

and others

If you are not happy with the order of the columns, you can easily change it with drag-and-drop function. Just click and hold left mouth button and drag the column to the preferred place

Once the columns are selected and sorted in the correct order you can check the results on the screen and the configuration will be saved for the scheduled exported files

After the report setup is completed, you can proceed to the Export file format and destination configuration.

Last updated